Legal status: Al-Qadar Foundation is a registered organization. The Governing Body consists of seven members.
Purpose: To promote better health conditions in rural areas by taking preventive measures, educating people about good hygiene conditions, causes of diseases, and how to make their lifestyle healthy.
Vision: To make rural communities healthy through awareness, prevention and provision of affordable treatment facilities in their vicinity. Eradication of illiteracy and improvement of living standards.
Mission: Developing self-sustained welfare projects of Health, promoting ways for living healthy, educating people for healthy grooming of their children, working for provision of pure water and better sanitation systems and motivating rural people to take part actively for betterment so that rural public can become healthy and enjoy improved living standards.
Core Values: Merging integrity, professional ethics and high aims in all our humanity friendly activities. Believe in promoting community health and living standards through professional approach, incessant struggle and implementation of innovative ideas.
Goals: Eradication of epidemic diseases through preventive measures and awareness. Save children from diseases, malnutrition and obesity. Promote community health through awareness and making lifestyle health friendly to avoid diseases like hypertension, diabetes mellitus and ischemic heart diseases.
We also have long term goals in the form of provision of clean water and proper sanitation systems, education and sheltering the homeless.
Currently, Al-Qadar Foundation is providing services in rural areas by following major programs as:
This project provides services for health and wellness of countryside communities. The organization has divided the operational circle into two zones and each zone consists of several villages where various health promotion activities are carried out. The tasks of this project include arranging free medical camps (free diagnosis and treatment), training of volunteers, run programs/campaigns for educating people about benefits of vaccinating their children and spreading awareness among masses how to control preventable diseases, adopt healthy lifestyle and healthy bringing up their children.
Al-Daem Medical Complex deals with health related issues within premises of hospital. These health amenities include running emergency setup, managing out-patient department and providing Indoor medical services to critically ill patients at very affordable cost. The facility is situated in rural area and providing health services to countryside communities in their vicinity. An ambulance service is also provided to shift patients from homes to medical complex or refer to other hospitals.
Future Ambitions:
We have dreams to provide maximum basic life facilities to deserving people. To realize our dreams, we have plans to educate people for human resource development, provide clean water and proper sanitation systems, start housing for poor, run scholarship programs for needy students, and set vocational training institutes for women and men. These steps will improve overall living standards of uneducated and poor people.
About Governing Body
Ch. Majid Hussain is a businessman Expatriate Pakistani in USA and Business partner with Shell International since last 10 years. He is renowned person in American community and remains dedicated to help Pakistani youth in way of Scholarships and donates funds for many charity projects.
Senior Vice President
Ch. Zahor Ahmed is a retired school headmaster and became chairman of union council in 1980s. Later on, he started his own business of bricks making, Real estate and farming. Currently, he has devoted himself for social and charity works for betterment of rural people.
Vice President
Ch. Ijaz Ahmed is a famous construction and logistic specialist and runs his own business in Gujrat. He also donates funds and works for welfare of poor people.
General Secretary
Ch. Abid HUssain is a successful businessman with 20 years of experience of public relation. HE deals with hospital projects as a project manager.
Finance Secretary
Ch.Ikram Ullah is a businessman and helps in managing affairs of finance of foundation.
Additional General Secretary
Ch. Saif Ullah Qadeer is an incumbent cahirman of Union Council and works for welfare of poor people by managing different charity works like arranging collective Weddings, Housing for Poor etc.
Joint Secretary
Ch. Hafeez Ullah is a businessman by professon and helps the foundation as an advisor and coordinator for project planning and management.